LocationBox API

Indoor Venue List

IndoorVenueList Service provides list the venues that have information.

A IndoorVenueList request must look like this:


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (IndoorVenueList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Response Parameters

XML Response

IndoorVenueList response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for a IndoorVenueList which is expected to return a response in XML format.


The response will be as following:

   <name>Kozzy AVM</name>
     <name>1. Kat</name>
     <name>2. Kat</name>
     <name>Otopark Katý</name>
     <name>Ana Giriþ Kapýsý</name>

JSON Response

IndoorVenueList response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for a IndoorVenueList request which is expected to return a response in JSON format.


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_82385", "status": 0, "venuelist": [ { "id": 32772327, "name": "Kozzy AVM", "latitude": "41.1", "longitude": "29.1", "extent": { "minlatitude": 40.96040598, "minlongitude": 29.08690884, "maxlatitude": 40.977477, "maxlongitude": 29.10425292 }, "floors": [ [ 0, "Giriş" ], [ 1, "1. Kat" ], [ 2, "2. Kat" ], [ -1, "Otopark Katı" ] ], "entrances": [ [ 1, "Ana Giriş Kapısı" ] ] } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20012 No data found.

name: The name of the POI is located.
latitude: The latitude value of the point found.
longitude: The longitude value of the point found.
minlatitude: The minlatitude value of the point found.
minlongitude: The minlongitude value of the point found.
maxlatitude: The maxlatitude value of the point found.
maxlongitude: The maxlongitude value of the point found.
floors: The number of the venue's floor number.
entrances: This value indicates that it is on which floor the entrance.