LocationBox API

Address Elements

LocationBox Address Elements offers the full city list, list of towns for a given city and list of districts of a given town.
An Address Elements request must look like this:



Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (IlList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
MajorCities: if value is 1 function lists Istanbul, Ankara and Ýzmir first then other cities alphabetically. Default value is 0.
CountryId:Id for Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic (99) for Turkey (90)
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

Response Parameters

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ transactionid: LBS_186, status: 0, illist: [ "id": 1, "adreskodu": 1, "name": "Adana", "latitude": 37.00039, "longitude": 35.31411, "extent": {"minlatitude": 36.53881902, "minlongitude": 34.76786904, "maxlatitude": 38.37851496, "maxlongitude": 36.40534884 },
"id": 67, "adreskodu": 67, "name": "Zonguldak", "latitude": 41.45519, "longitude": 31.7879, "extent": { "minlatitude": 40.98164697, "minlongitude": 31.28221692, "maxlatitude": 41.595102, "maxlongitude": 32.29834608 } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.

illist (city list)
id: City id.
latitude: Latitude value for middle point representing the area.
longitude: Longitude value for middle point representing the area.

ilList With Extent

Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (IlList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
MinLatitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLatitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent.
MinLongitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLongitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

Response Parameters

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ transactionid: LBS_186, status: 0, illist: [ "id": 1, "adreskodu": 1, "name": "Adana", "latitude": 37.00039, "longitude": 35.31411, "extent": { "minlatitude": 36.53881902, "minlongitude": 34.76786904, "maxlatitude": 38.37851496, "maxlongitude": 36.40534884 },
"id": 67, "adreskodu": 67, "name": "Zonguldak", "latitude": 41.45519, "longitude": 31.7879, "extent": { "minlatitude": 40.98164697, "minlongitude": 31.28221692, "maxlatitude": 41.595102, "maxlongitude": 32.29834608 } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (IlceList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
IlId: City id.
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (town list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (town list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ transactionid: LBS_188, status: 0, ilcelist: [ "id": 6000384000, "adreskodu": 1872, "name": "Akyurt", "latitude": 40.13278, "longitude": 33.08659, "extent": { "minlatitude": 40.02323796, "minlongitude": 32.95430388, "maxlatitude": 40.22708499, "maxlongitude": 33.31662696 },
"id": 6000991000, "adreskodu": 1723, "name": "Yenimahalle", "latitude": 39.96655, "longitude": 32.81083, "extent": { "minlatitude": 39.91103199, "minlongitude": 32.56429788, "maxlatitude": 40.10497902, "maxlongitude": 32.84697204 } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.

ilcelist (town list)
id: Town id.
latitude: Latitude value for middle point representing the area.
longitude: Longitude value for middle point representing the area.

ilceList With Extent

Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (IlList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
MinLatitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLatitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent.
MinLongitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLongitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

Response Parameters

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ transactionid: LBS_188, status: 0, ilcelist: [ "id": 50000636000, "adreskodu": 1749, "name": "Acýgöl", "latitude": 38.55032, "longitude": 34.5102, "extent": { "minlatitude": 38.35265103, "minlongitude": 34.38000612, "maxlatitude": 38.68626798, "maxlongitude": 34.61836212 },
{ "id": 20000261000, "adreskodu": 2079, "name": "Merkezefendi", "latitude": 37.77333, "longitude": 29.08712, "extent": { "minlatitude": 37.69063704, "minlongitude": 28.89521892, "maxlatitude": 37.94584302, "maxlongitude": 29.13414804 } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (MahalleList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
IlceId: County id.
Type(optional):0 = default , 1 = all villages, towns and districts, 2 = just villages and towns
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (district list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />


  <name>50. Yýl</name>

JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (district list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ transactionid: LBS_189, status: 0, mahallelist: [ { "id": 6000986133, "adreskodu": 1619, "postakodu": "06805", "name": "Ahlatlýbel", "latitude": 39.83489, "longitude": 32.74536, "extent": { "minlatitude": 39.82784103, "minlongitude": 32.72476788, "maxlatitude": 39.855222, "maxlongitude": 32.80497912 } },
{ "id": 6000986054, "adreskodu": 1615, "postakodu": "06590", "name": "50. Yýl", "latitude": 39.92266, "longitude": 32.88251, "extent": { "minlatitude": 39.92150601, "minlongitude": 32.87369304, "maxlatitude": 39.92652504, "maxlongitude": 32.88550608 } } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.

mahallelist (district list)
id: District id.
latitude: Latitude value for middle point representing the area.
longitude: Longitude value for middle point representing the area.

MahalleList With Extent

Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (IlList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
MinLatitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLatitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent.
MinLongitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLongitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

Response Parameters

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />


  <name>Necip Fazýl Kýsakürek</name>

JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ transactionid: LBS_189, status: 0, mahallelist: [ { "id": 34000007022, "adreskodu": 40219, "postakodu": "34022", "name": "Abbasaða", "latitude": 41.04965, "longitude": 29.0056, "extent": { "minlatitude": 41.04675, "minlongitude": 29.00318796, "maxlatitude": 41.05254303, "maxlongitude": 29.008008 } }, { ilceid: 6000986000, id: 6000986016, name: 'AKPINAR', latitude: 39.86082, longitude: 32.81394 },
{ "id": 34000038043, "adreskodu": 181484, "postakodu": "34522", "name": "Necip Fazýl Kýsakürek", "latitude": 41.03052, "longitude": 28.65418, "extent": { "minlatitude": 41.02770402, "minlongitude": 28.64743092, "maxlatitude": 41.03437599, "maxlongitude": 28.66046796 } } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (YolList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
MahalleId: District id.
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (district list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />
  <name>284. SOKAK</name>
  <name>ALÝ DEDE SOKAK</name>


  <name>YEÞÝLYURT SOKAK</name>

JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (district list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_37526747", "status": 0, "yollist": [ { "id": 16063243, "name": "284. SOKAK", "latitude": 39.89917, "longitude": 32.8459, "zoomlevel": 11 }, { "id": 15846246, "name": "ALÝ DEDE SOKAK", "latitude": 39.90218, "longitude": 32.85283, "zoomlevel": 10 },
{ "id": 15997463, "name": "YEÞÝLYURT SOKAK", "latitude": 39.89776, "longitude": 32.85336, "zoomlevel": 11 } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.

YOLLIST (district list)
id: District id.
latitude: Latitude value for middle point representing the area.
longitude: Longitude value for middle point representing the area.

YolList With Extent

Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (YolListWithExtent)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
MinLatitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MinLongitude: Minimum Longitude value of the extent.
MaxLatitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLongitude: Maximum Longitude value of the extent.
Keyword (optional): Add a keyword to narrow down Cmd results.

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (district list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />
  <name>284. SOKAK</name>
  <name>ALÝ DEDE SOKAK</name>


  <name>YEÞÝLYURT SOKAK</name>

JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (district list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_37526747", "status": 0, "yollist": [ { "id": 16063243, "name": "284. SOKAK", "latitude": 39.89917, "longitude": 32.8459, "zoomlevel": 11 }, { "id": 15846246, "name": "ALÝ DEDE SOKAK", "latitude": 39.90218, "longitude": 32.85283, "zoomlevel": 10 },
{ "id": 15997463, "name": "YEÞÝLYURT SOKAK", "latitude": 39.89776, "longitude": 32.85336, "zoomlevel": 11 } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.

YolList With Extent (district list)
id: District id.
latitude: Latitude value for middle point representing the area.
longitude: Longitude value for middle point representing the area.


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (KapiList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
YolId: Road id.

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (kapi list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (kapi list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_37526747", "status": 0, "kapilist": [ { "id": 11532388, "adreskodu": 552566, "postakodu": "06680", "name": "", "no": "1" },
{ "id": 11563824, "adreskodu": 552573, "postakodu": "06680", "name": "", "no": "8" } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.

KAPILIST (district list)
id: id.
name: name.
no: no.

KapiList With Extent

Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (IlList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
MinLatitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLatitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent.
MinLongitude: Minimum Latitude value of the extent.
MaxLongitude: Maximum Latitude value of the extent

Response Parameters

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (city list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_37526747", "status": 0, "kapilist": [ { "id": 257784568, "adreskodu": 43159205, "postakodu": "63700", "name": "Ortaokul", "no": "1" },
{ "id": 257778365, "adreskodu": 9688008, "postakodu": "63700", "name": "", "no": "98" } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (GetCoordinate)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
Id: You can use address and POI elements. (IlId, IlceId, MahalleId, YolId, PoiId)

XML Response

GetCoordinate response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (kapi list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:


JSON Response

GetCoordinate response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (GetCoordinate) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_49937064", "status": 0, "latitude": 39.91931, "longitude": 32.85112 }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
20022 City is not found.
20023 Town is not found.
20024 District is not found.


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (GetBagimsizBirim)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
AdresKodu: Door id.

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (bagimsiz birim) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (bagimsiz birim) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_503082914", "status": 0, "adrcleanver": "v5.24", "dataversion": "19Q4", "geocode": {
} }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
30011 UAVT_CODE package support is missing.
20022 Data is not found.


Request Parameters

Key: LocationBox user key. (Register for user key)
Cmd: LocationBox service name. (GetBagimsizBirimList)
Typ: Response format. (XML or JSON)
KapiId: Door id.

XML Response

Address Elements response returns in XML format when the Typ parameter is set as "XML".

Below is an example for an address element (bagimsiz birim list) request which is expected to return a response in XML format .


The response will be as following:

 <errno />
 <errdesc />



JSON Response

Address Elements response returns in JSON format when the Typ parameter is set as "JSON".

Below is an example for an address element (Bagimsiz birim list) request which is expected to return a response in JSON format .


The response will be as following:

{ "transactionid": "LBS_503004652", "status": 0, "ickapilist": [ { "uavtKapiId": 26109302, "uavtIcKapiId": 1822365597, "mahalleId": 34000016017, "icKapiNo": "1","icKapiTuru": "Bilinmeyen" },
{ "uavtKapiId": 26109302, "uavtIcKapiId": 1819965672, "mahalleId": 34000016017, "icKapiNo": "9","icKapiTuru": "Bilinmeyen" } ] }

transactionid: The id of response given by LocationBox Service. Every response can be tracked using transactionid when necessary.
status: Response format. (XML or JSON)

Status Codes
0 -- Success
1 -- Fail

errno: Error code
errdesc: Error definition

Error Codes
10001 Error processing your request. Please try again soon.
Cmd parameter is misspelled/not found.
10011 Error processing your request. Please check the Cmd parameter.
Cmd is not specified.
10012 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is not specified.
10013 Error processing your request. Please check the Key parameter.
Key is invalid.
30011 UAVT_CODE package support is missing.
20022 Data is not found.