/** * Create a new IMapper instance. * @constructor */ function IMapper() { } mapper = new IMapper(); /** * Initialize the IMapper object. * * @param {int} mapCenterLat The latitude value of center coordinate of the map. * @param {int} mapCenterLon The longitude value of center coordinate of the map. * @param {int} mapZoom Initial zoom level of map (1-16). * @param {int} pBaseMap Name of the basemap. Three types of basemap is defined in LocationBox. IMapper.BASEMAP_TILELAYER Simple basemap displaying limited administrative data. (cities, borders) IMapper.BASEMAP_TILELAYER_NOLOGO Basemap showing POIs represented by their own logos. If basemap is not specified, default basemap is BASEMAP_TILELAYER. * @param {int} pUrlBase Url of the map server. If url base is not specified, default url base is <i>http://maplink.infotech.com.tr/mapviewer</i>. * @param {int} mapDiv The div to set the map. If it is null or not specified then it is set as "map". * @returns {object} map object */ IMapper.prototype.initMap = function(mapCenterLat, mapCenterLon, mapZoom, pBaseMap, pUrlBase, mapDiv) { return; } // initMap() /** * Initialize the IMapper object with given extent coordinates. * @param {double} minLat The minimum latitude extent of the map. * @param {double} minLon The minimum longitude extent of the map. * @param {double} maxLat The maximum latitude extent of the map. * @param {double} maxLon The maximum longitude extent of the map. * @param {string} pBaseMap Name of the basemap. Three types of basemap is defined in LocationBox. <br/> * IMapper.BASEMAP_SIMPLE Simple basemap displaying limited administrative data. (cities, borders)<br/> * IMapper.BASEMAP_POI Basemap showing POIs additional to administrative data. (cities, borders, roads etc.)<br/> * IMapper.BASEMAP_POI_LOGO Basemap showing POIs represented by their own logos.<br/><br/> * If basemap is not specified, default basemap is BASEMAP_POI_LOGO. * @param {string} pUrlBase Url of the map server. <br/> * If url base is not specified, default url base is <i>http://www.locationbox.com.tr/mapviewer</i>. * @param {string} mapDiv The div to set the map. If it is null or not specified then it is set as "map". * @returns {object} map object. */ IMapper.prototype.initMapWithExtent=function(minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon, pBaseMap, pUrlBase, mapDiv) { } /** * Create VariableMarker Style. * @param {string} classification The classification scheme. Can be "equal", "logarithmic", or "custom". If it's<br/> * "equal" or "logarithmic", all buckets are generated automatically. If it's custom, then the supplied function<br/> * is invoked to generate the buckets.<br/> * @param {string} color The fill color in rgb, i.e. in the format "#rrggbb". * @param {string} stroke The stroke color in rgb, i.e. in the format "#rrggbb". * @param {string} type The type of the vector shape. Valid values are "circle", "path" or "rectangle". * @param {object} textStyle The text style will apply to the text on marker feature. use mapper. createTextStyle function. * @param {integer} startSize The initial width/height of the marker. * @param {integer} increment The increment width/height for each bucket. * @param {integer} numClasses The number of buckets. Only used when the classification scheme is "equal" or "logarithmic" and hence the buckets are automatically generated. * @param {integer} cx The initial x coor vector shape of the marker. * @param {integer} cy The initial y coor vector shape of the marker. * @param {integer} width The initial width vector shape of the marker. * @param {integer} height The initial height vector shape of the marker. * @returns {object} Text Style object with vectorDef. */ IMapper.prototype.createVariableMarkerStyle = function(classification, color, stroke, type, textStyle, startSize, increment, numClasses, cx, cy, width, height){ return; } /** * * @param {string} basemap Add a TileLayer to the map. * */ IMapper.prototype.addTileLayer=function(basemap) { return; }//addTileLayer() /** * * @param {string} tileLayer Remove a specified TileLayer from the map. The layer-deleted event will be fired. * */ IMapper.prototype.removeTileLayer=function(tileLayer) { return; }//removeTileLayer() /** * Create Text Style. * @param {int} anchorPosition Specify where a collapsed layer control will be docked,as well as where the docker icon is positioned. * A set of 6 predefined positions for the panel.<br/> The 6 values are: 1--upper left,2--upper center,3--upper right,4--lower left,5--lower center,6--lower right. * @param {int} offsetX In pixels to the dock icon. * @param {int} offsetY In pixels to the dock icon. * @param {object} contentStyle Specifies the minimum width and maximum height of the panel, and the font used to display the layer names. This object has the following attributes: * minWidth {int} The minimum width of the panel (in pixels). * maxHeight {int} The maximum height of the panel (in pixels). * font_size {int} Font size in points. * font_family {String} Font family name (e.g. Arial). * @param {object} titleStyle Specify the font to use for the title text. This object has the folowing attributes:<br/> * font_size {int} Font size in points.<br/> * font_family {String} Font family name (e.g. Arial). * @param {boolean} layerDeleteEnable The delete icon will show up when a vector is highlighted. The default value is "false". * @returns {object} Layer Control object. */ IMapper.prototype.createLayerControl=function(anchorPosition, offsetX, offsetY, contentStyle, titleStyle, layerDeleteEnable ) { } /** * Create Text Style. * @param {string} name The style name. * @param {string} color Sepcifies the font color. Format is "#rrggbb". * @param {string} fontStyle Specifies the style (italic or normal) of the font used to render the text.It should be one of two static values: OM.Text.FONTSTYLE_ITALIC or OM.Text.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL. * @param {string} fontFamily Specifies the font family to be used to render the text. * @param {int} fontSize Specifies the font size. * @param {string} sizeUnit Specifies the font size unit. The value can be "pixel", "meter","kilometer", "feet", "mile". Default value is "pixel". * @param {int} fontWeight The font weight. * @returns {object} Text Style object. */ IMapper.prototype.createTextStyle = function(name, color, fontStyle, fontFamily, fontSize, sizeUnit, fontWeight) { return; } /** * Add Bing tile layer. * @param {string} bingKey The key for Bing service. * @param {boolean} hybrid Default: false (Satelite) true: Hybrid. */ IMapper.prototype.addBingTileLayer = function(bingKey, hybrid) { return; } /** * Remove Bing Tile Layer from the map. */ IMapper.prototype.removeBingTileLayer=function() { return; } /** * Add Google tile layer. * @param {string} googleKey The key for Bing service. * @param {boolean} hybrid Default: false (Satelite) true: Hybrid. */ IMapper.prototype.addGoogleTileLayer=function(googleKey, hybrid) { return; } /** * Remove Google Tile Layer from the map. */ IMapper.prototype.removeGoogleTileLayer=function() { return; } /** * Add navigation panel to the map. * @param {int} place Location of the navigation panel. Can be one of 6 pre-defined options.1--upper left,2--upper center,3--upper right,4--lower left,5--lower center,6--lower right. * @param {string} backgroundColor The background color for the panel. Specified as #rrggbb, e.g. "#d3d3d3". * @param {string} buttonColor The background color for the buttons. Specified as #rrggbb, e.g. "#d3d3d3". * @param {integer} fontSize The font size in panel texts. * @param {object} infoTips E.G. {zoomLevel01:"level01Name",zoomLevel02:"level02Name", ...}. * @param {integer} orientation Orientation of navigationbar default 1. * @param {string} style Specifies the display mode of NavigationPanelBar, Can be one of four pre-defined options. 1--display all, 2--slide bar and zoom buttons only, 3--zoom buttons only, 4--navigation panel only. */ IMapper.prototype.addNavigationPanel = function(place, backgroundColor, buttonColor, fontSize, infoTips, orientation, style) { return; } /** * Add scale bar to the map. * @param {string} format Specifies the display format (or mode) of ScaleBar, can be one of three pre-defined options; "BOTH", "METRIC", or "IMPERIAL". * @param {int} anchorPosition Specifies where thw scalebar is placed. Can be one of 6 pre-defined options: 1--upper left,2--upper center,3--upper right,4--lower left,5--lower center,6--lower right. * @param {int} fontSize The font size in points. * @param {string} fontColor The color for the scale bar text. Specified as #rrggbb e.g. "#cccccc". * @param {int} fontWeight The font weight. * @param {string} scaleBarColor The color for the scale bar. * @param {string} boxShadow The shadow of the scale bar e.g "1px 1px 5px #000000". * @param {int} maxLength The maximum length of the scale bar in pixels. */ IMapper.prototype.addScaleBar = function(format, anchorPosition, fontSize, fontColor, fontWeight , scaleBarColor, boxShadow , maxLength) { return; } /** * Enables to loading icon. * */ IMapper.prototype.enableLoadingIcon=function(visible) { return; } /** * Zoom in by one level. * */ IMapper.prototype.zoomIn = function(){ } /** * Zoom out by one level. * */ IMapper.prototype.zoomOut = function(){ } /** * Removes Traffic Theme if exist. * */ IMapper.prototype.mvBeforeZoom=function() { return; }//mvBeforeZoom() /** * Adds Traffic Theme if not exist. * */ IMapper.prototype.mvAfterZoom=function() { return; }//mvAfterZoom() /** * This method enables or disables mouse wheel zooming. When mouse wheel zooming is enabled, the user can zoom in the map by scrolling the mouse wheel forward and zoom out the map by scrolling the mouse wheel backward. * @param {boolean} wheelZooming A boolean that specifies whether to enable mouse wheel zooming (Default: true). */ IMapper.prototype.enableMouseWheelZooming=function(wheelZooming) { return ; } /** * Add a distance measuring tool to the map. */ IMapper.prototype.addDistanceMeasuringTool=function() { return; } /** * Clear distance measuring tool. */ IMapper.prototype.clearDistanceMeasuringTool=function() { return; } /** * Show map defined by its center point. * @param {double} mapCenterLat The latitude value of center coordinate of the map. * @param {double} mapCenterLon The longitude value of center coordinate of the map. * @param {int} mapZoom Initial zoom level of map (1-14). */ IMapper.prototype.showMapCentered=function(mapCenterLat, mapCenterLon, mapZoom) { return; } /** * Add a marker pointing to a specified point. * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {float} latitude The latitude value of the point. * @param {float} longitude The longitude value of the point. * @param {string} name Name of the marker. * @param {string} sym The name of the style object for marker, as in the map database or created by user. (@See createColorStyle) * @param {int} w The width of marker symbol in pixels. * @param {int} h The height of marker symbol in pixels. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when the marker is clicked. * @param {int} zindex This method sets the z-index (display order) value of the marker group. The group with a larger z-index value is displayed above the group with a smaller z-index value. */ IMapper.prototype.addMarker=function(id, latitude, longitude, name, sym, w, h, mouseClick, zindex) { return; } /** * Add a mapMarker to a specified point with special features . * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {float} latitude The latitude value of the point. * @param {float} longitude The longitude value of the point. * @param {object} markerStyle The style object of mapMarker. * @param {string} labelText Text of mapMarker label. * @param {object} labelStyle The style object of mapMarker label. * @param {object} labelTextStyle The text style object of mapMarker label text. * @param {boolean} draggable Set draggable mapMarker. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when the marker is clicked. */ IMapper.prototype.addMapMarker=function(id, latitude, longitude, markerStyle, labelText, labelStyle, labelTextStyle, draggable, mouseClick, zindex) { return; } // addMapMarker() /** * Add a marker pointing to a specified point. * * Any image can be used as a marker. <br/> * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {float} latitude The latitude value of the point. * @param {float} longitude The longitude value of the point. * @param {string} name Name of the marker. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when the marker is clicked. * @param {int} zindex This method sets the z-index (display order) value of the marker group. The group with a larger z-index value is displayed above the group with a smaller z-index value. */ IMapper.prototype.addCustomMarker=function(id, latitude, longitude, name, sym, w, h, mouseClick, zindex) { return; } /** * Update the marker with given id and set latitude, longitude and z-index values to that marker. * * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {float} latitude The latitude value of the point. * @param {float} longitude The longitude value of the point. * @param {int} zindex This method sets the z-index (display order) value of the marker group. The group with a larger z-index value is displayed above the group with a smaller z-index value. */ IMapper.prototype.moveMarker=function(id, latitude, longitude, zindex) { return; } /** * Move a marker to a specified position or visit a set of positions. * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {array} Ordinates The set of coordinates. * @param {int} interval Interval affects the marker moving speed. The default value is 100. A larger value results in a slower movement. * @param {boolean} loop Loop affects activate true or false (default:true). * @param {int} time Time for animation (default:1000ms). * @param {boolean} bounce Bounce affects true or false (default:true). */ IMapper.prototype.animateMarker=function(id, ordinates, interval,loop, time, bounce) { return; } /** * Animates the marker flow according to TMC code geometries. * @param {string} tmcKod TMC code. * @param {int} interval Interval affects the marker moving speed. The default value is 100. A larger value results in a slower movement. * @param {string} sym The name of the style object for marker, as in the map database or created by user. * @param {int} width The width of marker symbol in pixels. * @param {int} height The height of marker symbol in pixels. * @param {boolean} repeat Animation repeats (true) or not. * @param {string} factor The interval between repeat time duration. * @param {boolean} reverse Reversed ordinates. */ IMapper.prototype.animateMarkerFlow=function(tmcKod, interval, sym, width, height, repeat, factor, reverse) { return; } /** * Stop Marker Flow Animation. * * @param {string} tmcKod TMC code. */ IMapper.prototype.stopMarkerFlowAnimation=function(tmcKod) { return; } /** * Add a text feature to a specified layer.</br> * @param {int} id Id of the feature. * @param {float} latitude The latitude value of the point that info window going to be displayed. * @param {float} longitude The longitude value of the point that info window going to be displayed. * @param {string} content The content of text feature. * @param {string} fontFamily Specifies the font family to be used to render the text. * @param {string} fontStyle Specifies the style (italic or normal) of the font used to render the text.It should be one of two static values: OM.Text.FONTSTYLE_ITALIC or OM.Text.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL. * @param {string} fontWeight Specifies the font weight (bold or normal) used to render the text. It should be one of two static values: OM.Text.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD or OM.Text.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL. * @param {string} color Specifies the font color. Format is "#rrggbb". * @param {string} fontSize Specifies the font size. * @param {string} sizeUnit Specifies the font size unit. The value can be "pixel", "meter", "kilometer", "feet", "mile". Default value is "pixel". */ IMapper.prototype.addText = function(id, latitude, longitude, content, fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, color, fontSize, sizeUnit) { return; } /** * Remove an added feature by specifying its id. * * @param {string} id Id of the feature. */ IMapper.prototype.removeFeature=function(id) { return; } /** * Create a vector marker style object. * @param {string} name Name of the style. * @param {string} fillColor Filling color. A string in the format of "RRGGBB", or null if no filling. * @param {int} fillOpacity Opacity of the fill color. Opacity value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). Default value is 255. * @param {string} borderColor Border color. A string in the format of "RRGGBB". * @param {int} borderOpacity Opacity of the border color. Opacity value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). Default value is 255. * @param {int} borderWidth Border width in device point/pixel unit. Default is 1. * @param {int} width Marker width in pixels. * @param {int} height Marker height in pixels. * @param {object} vector Sets the shape coordinates for the vector type marker. It basically supports two types of shapes: polygon/polyline and circle.<br/> For polygon/polyline (which can be used to represent rectangle, triangle and other simple shapes), the parameter must be a series of comma separated ordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2,...). Note that for polygon/polyline shapes, the cooridnates can be in any coordinate system with arbitrary origin. LocationBox will do all the necessary transformation at the server side. For instance, the following cooridnates represent a diamond shape: "50,199,0,100,50,1,100,100,50,199" For circle type marker, the parameter must start with "c:" and followed by a single numeric value representing the radius of the cirlce, such as "c:50". * @returns {object} Marker object */ IMapper.prototype.createVectorMarkerStyle=function(name, fillColor, fillOpacity, borderColor, borderOpacity, borderWidth, width, height, vector) { return; } /** * Create an icon marker style object. * * @param {string} name Name of the style. * @param {string} url Marker image url. * @param {int} width Marker width in pixels. * @param {int} height Marker width in pixels. * @returns {object} Style Marker object */ IMapper.prototype.createIconMarkerStyle=function(name, url, width, height) { return; } // createIconMarkerStyle() /** * Create a marker style object. * @param {string} name Name of the style. * @param {string} fillColor Filling color. A string in the format of "RRGGBB", or null if no filling. * @param {int} fillOpacity Opacity of the fill color. Opacity value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). Default value is 255. * @param {string} borderColor Border color. A string in the format of "RRGGBB". * @param {int} borderOpacity Opacity of the border color. Opacity value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). Default value is 255. * @param {int} borderWidth Border width in device point/pixel unit. Default is 1. * @param {int} width Marker width in pixels. * @param {int} height Marker height in pixels. * @param {string} lengthUnit The size unit. Optional.The value can be "pixel", "meter", "kilometer", "feet", or "mile". Default value is "pixel". * @param {string} type The type of the vector shape. Valid values are "circle", "path" or "rectangle". * @param {float} cx The circle's center X ordinate. For "circle" only. * @param {float} cy The circle's center Y ordinate. For "circle" only. * @param {int} shapeWidth The width. Valid for shape types "circle" and "rectangle" only. * @param {int} shapeHeight The height. Valid for shape types "circle" and "rectangle" only. * @returns {object} Style object */ IMapper.prototype.createMarkerStyle=function(name, fillColor, fillOpacity, borderOpacity, width, height , lengthUnit, type, cx, cy, shapeWidth, shapeHeight) { } // createMarkerStyle() /** * Create a style object. * @param {string} name Name of the style. * @param {string} fillColor Filling color. A string in the format of "RRGGBB", or null if no filling. * @param {int} fillOpacity Opacity of the fill color. Opacity value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). Default value is 255. * @param {string} borderColor Border color. A string in the format of "RRGGBB". * @param {int} borderOpacity Opacity of the border color. Opacity value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). Default value is 255. * @param {int} borderWidth Border width in device point/pixel unit. Default is 1. * @returns {object} Style Color object. */ IMapper.prototype.createColorStyle=function(name, fillColor, fillOpacity, borderColor, borderOpacity, borderWidth) { return; } // createColorStyle() /** * Create an advanced style object. * * @param {string} name Name of the style. * @param {string} symlist List of styles in JSON format. * @returns {object} Style object containing list of style objects. */ IMapper.prototype.createAdvancedStyle=function(name, symlist, dtype , defSym) { return; } // createAdvancedStyle() /** * This method represents a bucket style that can be used for thematic mapping of numeric or categorical data. * * @param {string} name Name of the style. * @param {array} styles An array that corresponds to the array of buckets. <br/> That is, style[0] is used for buckets[0] (*Required). * @param {array} buckets An array of OM.style.Bucket. Must be of the same length as the styles array (*Optional). * @param {string} classification The classification scheme. Can be "equal", "logarithmic" or "custom" (*Optional). * @param {int} numClasses The number of classes or buckets (*Required). * @param {string} gradient Whether a gradient effect should be used on all buckets.<br/> The value can be "linear", "on", or "off". Default is "off" (*Optional). * @returns {object} Style object containing list of style objects. */ IMapper.prototype.createBucketStyle = function(name, styles, buckets, classification, numClasses, gradient){ } //createBucketStyle() /** *Creates a collection bucket. * * @param {array} values The value list for this collection bucket. * @param {string} dataType The data type for the values. Default is "string". * @param {boolean} keepWhiteSpace Whether to keep white spaces in the values. Default is "false". * @returns {object} CollectionBucket object. */ IMapper.prototype.createCollectionBucket=function(values, dataType, keepWhiteSpace){ return; } /** *Creates a ranged bucket. * * @param {int} seq The sequence number. * @param {float} low The low value for this range. * @param {float} high The high value for this range. * @returns {object} RangedBucket object. */ IMapper.prototype.createRangedBucket=function(seq, low, high){ return; } /** * Creates a color scheme. * * @param {string} name A style name. * @param {int} numClasses The number of buckets, only used when generating equal-range buckets. * @param {string} classification The value can be "equal" or "custom". If it's "equal", all buckets are generated automatically. * @param {object} defaultStyle The default style. Used when a feature's attribute value does not fall within any bucket. * @param {array} styles An array of custom color styles (OM.style.Color) to be used as color stops; if not specified, the color stops will be auto-generated based on the baseColor or fromColor and toColor. * @param {array} buckets The buckets array. Each element in the array is a OM.style.Bucket. * @param {string} baseColor The base fill color string for each bucket. Format is "#rrggbb". * @param {string} toColor The toColor (or final color) for a multi-hue color scheme. Format is "#rrggbb". * @param {string} fromColor The fromColor (or initial color) for a multi-hue color scheme. Format is "#rrggbb". * @param {string} stroke The stroke color. Format is "#rrggbb". * @param {int} baseColorOpacity Base color opacity. * @param {int} strokeOpacity Border color opacity. * @returns {object} Style ColorScheme object. */ IMapper.prototype.createColorScheme=function(name, numClasses, classification, defaultStyle, styles, buckets, baseColor, toColor, fromColor, stroke, baseColorOpacity, strokeOpacity){ return; } /** * Add a label to a specified marker.</br> * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {string} html The html content of the label. * @param {string} textMarker The textMarker content of the label. */ IMapper.prototype.addLabelToMarker=function(id, html, textMarker) { return; } /** * Get a specified marker.</br> * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @returns {object} Marker Object. */ IMapper.prototype.getMarker=function(id) { return; } /** * Set Marker Visible. * * @param {int} id The id of marker. * @param {boolean} visible Visibility of the marker. */ IMapper.prototype.setMarkerVisible=function(id, visible) { return; } /** * Remove the label from a specified marker. * * @param {string} id Id of the marker. */ IMapper.prototype.removeLabelFromMarker=function(id) { return; } /** * Set marker listener. * * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {object} event Types of events.</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_CLICK</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_OVER</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_OUT</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK</br> * @param {function} callback The user defined function that is called when marker is set. */ IMapper.prototype.setMarkerListener=function(id, event, callback) { return; } /** * Create Spatial Filter. * * @param {object} filterType Types of events.</br> * IMapper.FILTER_EQUALS</br> * IMapper.FILTER_NOTEQUALS</br> * IMapper.FILTER_GREATER</br> * IMapper.FILTER_GREATEREQUALS</br> * IMapper.FILTER_LESS</br> * IMapper.FILTER_LESSEQUALS</br> * IMapper.FILTER_ISNULL</br> * IMapper.FILTER_ISNOTNULL</br> * IMapper.FILTER_IN </br> * @param {string} attrName The name of the feature attribute to be filtered. * @param {string} filterValue The filtering attribute value. * @returns {object} Filter object */ IMapper.prototype.createFilter=function(filterType, attrName, filterValue) { }//createFilter() /** * This is a combination filter that combines (ANDs) a list of Filter instances. A feature passes this filter only if it passes all the filters in the list. * @param {object} filterArray An array of OM.filter.Filter instances can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @returns {object} new OM.filter.All object */ IMapper.prototype.createAllFilter=function(filterArray) { }//createAllFilter() /** * This is a combination filter that combines (ANDs) a list of Filter instances. A feature passes this filter only if it passes all the filters in the list. * @param {object} filterArray An array of OM.filter.Filter instances can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @returns {object} new OM.filter.Any object */ IMapper.prototype.createAnyFilter=function(filterArray) { }//createAnyFilter() /** * This is a composite filter based on the logical AND of two filters. * @param {object} filter1 An instance of OM.filter.Filter can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @param {object} filter2 An instance of OM.filter.Filter can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @returns {object} new OM.filter.And object */ IMapper.prototype.createAndFilter=function(filter1, filter2) { }//createAndFilter() /** * This is a filter class that implements the "NOT" logic. It returns true if a feature does not pass the specified filter. * @param {object} filter An OM.filter.Filter instance can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @returns {object} new OM.filter.Not object */ IMapper.prototype.createNotFilter=function(filter1) { }//createNotFilter() /** *This is a combo filter that implements the logical "OR" operation of two filters. * @param {object} filter1 An instance of OM.filter.Filter can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @param {object} filter2 An instance of OM.filter.Filter can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @returns {object} new OM.filter.Or object */ IMapper.prototype.createOrFilter=function(filter1, filter2) { }//createOrFilter() /** *This is a combo-filter class that implements the logical "XOR" operation of two filters. * @param {object} filter1 An instance of OM.filter.Filter can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @param {object} filter2 An instance of OM.filter.Filter can create with mapper.createFilter(filterType, attrName, filterValue). * @returns {object} new OM.filter.Xor object */ IMapper.prototype.createXorFilter=function(filter1, filter2) { }//createXorFilter() /** * This is a spatial filter that implements the any-interact relationship. A feature passes this filter if its geometry has any interaction (i.e. is not disjoint) with the filter's geometry. * @param {object} geom The filtering geometry. * @returns {object} new OM.filter.AnyInteract object */ IMapper.prototype.createAnyInteractFilter=function(geom) { }//createAnyInteractFilter() /** * This is a filter class that tests if a feature's geometry is inside the specified filter polygon. * @returns {object} new OM.filter.InsidePolygon object */ IMapper.prototype.createInsideCircleFilter=function() { }//createInsidePolygonFilter() /** * This is a filter class that implements the "Like" filter similar to the SQL like clause. * @param {string} filterAtrribute The name of the feature attribute to be tested. * @param {string} filterValue The filtering attribute value. * @returns {object} new OM.filter.Like object */ IMapper.prototype.createLikeFilter=function(filterAtrribute, filterValue) { }//createLikeFilter() /** * This is a filter class that evaluates a feature to check if the specified attribute value falls within a numeric range. <br/> A value passes this filter if it is greater than or equal to the low value and smaller than or equal to the high value.<br/> * i.e. the value of expr1 BETWEEN expr 2 and expr3 is the value of <br/> * the boolean expression: expr2 <= expr1 AND expr1 <= expr3. <br/> * @param {string} filterAttribute The name of the feature attribute to be evaluated. * @param {float} low Minimum value (inclusive). * @param {float} high Maximum value (inclusive). * @returns {object} new OM.filter.Between object */ IMapper.prototype.createBetweenFilter=function(filterAtrribute, low, high) { }//createBetweenFilter() /** * Set marker listener. * * @param {string} id Id of the marker. * @param {object} event Types of events.</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_CLICK</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_OVER</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_OUT</br> * IMapper.MARKER_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK</br> * @param {function} callback The user defined function that is called when marker is set. */ IMapper.prototype.clearMarkerListener=function(id, event, callback) { return; } /** * Add a region as a polygon specified by array of coordinates. * @param {string} id Id of the polygon object. * @param {array} ordinates The set of coordinates. * @param {string} name Name of the polygon object. * @param {string} sym Name of the style object for polygon, as in the map database or created by user. (@See createColorStyle) * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when the region is clicked. * @param {int} zindex This method sets the z-index (display order) value of the marker group. The group with a larger z-index value is displayed above the group with a smaller z-index value. */ IMapper.prototype.addRegion=function(id, ordinates, name, sym, mouseClick, zindex) { return; } /** * Registers that feature is removed. * @param {key} id Feature key. * @returns {object} an edit change event object (EditChangeEvent). */ IMapper.prototype.removeToolFeature=function(id) { return; } /** * Initialize the red line tool. * @param {function} polygonEndAction The user defined function that is called when a map event is fired. * @param {function} polygonEditAction The user defined function that is called when a map event is fired. */ IMapper.prototype.setRedlineTool=function(polygonEndAction, polygonEditAction) { } /** * This is a filter class that tests if a feature's geometry is inside the specified filter rectangle. * @returns {object} new OM.filter.InsidePolygon object */ IMapper.prototype.createInsideRectangleFilter=function() { }//createInsideRectangleFilter() /** * Get an array of ordinates of the shape drawn with the red line tool. * * @returns Ordinates of the shape drawn. * @type array */ IMapper.prototype.getRedlineOrdinates=function() { return; } /** * Clear the Red Line Tool. * */ IMapper.prototype.clearRedlineTool=function() { } /** * This is a sub class of OM.tool.Tool that can be used to draw arbitrary shape(s) on the map. It is similar to the traditional red-lining function. * @param {object } getNewPoint callback for OM.event.ToolEvent.REDLINE_POINT_CREATE listener. * @param {object } getNewLine callback for OM.event.ToolEvent.TOOL_END listener. * @param {boolean} finishMode default is OM.tool.Redline.FINISH_ON_CLICK, meaning you must click on the initial polygon vertex once to finish/complete the tool's drawing operation. If set to OM.tool.Redline.FINISH_ON_RELEASE, then * the tool will complete the drawing on the very first mouse-up. * @param {boolean} simplified default is true. true: simplify the result of the redline; false: not simplify the result of redline. * */ IMapper.prototype.setMeasureTool=function(getNewPoint, getNewLine,finishMode, simplified) { return; } /** * Clear the Measure Tool. */ IMapper.prototype.clearMeasureTool=function() { return; } /** * Display an info window at specified latitude/longitude. * @param {float} latitude The latitude value of the point that info window going to be displayed. * @param {float} longitude The longitude value of the point that info window going to be displayed. * @param {string} html An HTML content string that is going to be displayed inside the info window. * @param {int} width The width of the info window in pixels. * @param {int} height The height of the info window in pixels. * @param {string} title A string that is going to be displayed at the header of the info window. * @param {object} parameters The object that specifies the custom style parameters, which are effective only when the info window style is "MVInfoWindowStyle1". */ IMapper.prototype.displayInfoWindow=function(latitude, longitude, html, w, h, xOffset,yOffset, title) { return; } /** * Remove the existing info window. */ IMapper.prototype.removeInfoWindow=function() { return; } /** * Enables Polygon tool if not exist. */ IMapper.prototype.setPolygonTool=function(getPolygon) { return; }//setPolygonTool() /** * Cleayer Polygon Tool if exist. */ IMapper.prototype.clearPolygonTool=function() { return; } /** * Draw polygon by using the given ordinates. * @param {array} ordinates The list of ordinates. */ IMapper.prototype.setPolygonOrdinates=function(ordinates) { return; } /** * Get polygon ordinates. * @returns {array} The list of polygon ordinates. */ IMapper.prototype.getPolygonOrdinates=function() { return; } /** * Display an HTML map decoration object on the map. * A map decoration object may be placed on top of the map and does not move * while the map is recentered. </br> * Map decoration can be used as a collapsible window (@link addCollapsibleMapDecoration) * so that it can be minimized by the user. * * @param {string} html An HTML content string that is going to be displayed inside the map decoration. * @param {int} offsetX In pixels to the dock icon. * @param {int} offsetY In pixels to the dock icon. * @param {int} width The width of map decoration in pixels. * @param {int} height The height of map decoration in pixels. * @param {boolean} collapsible Defines the collapsible value true or false. * @param {boolean} draggable True if draggable, false if fixed. * @param {string} title The title of the decoration. * @param {object} titleStyle A CSS definition for the Decoration title style. For example:</br> titleStyle:{border-style:solid,</br> border-color:#391EA6,</br> border-width:1px,</br> backgroundColor:#0D0D0D,</br> font-size:18px,</br> font-weight:bold,</br> color:#FDFDFD</br>} * @param {object} contentStyle A CSS definition for the Decoration content style. For example:</br> contentStyle: {border-style:solid,</br> border-color:#101418,</br> border-width:2px,</br> padding:0px,</br> font-size:16px,</br> color:#000000,</br> backgroundColor:#FDFDFD</br>} * @param {function} mouseClick The function for mouse click event. */ IMapper.prototype.addMapDecoration=function(html, offsetX, offsetY, width, height, collapsible, draggable, title, titleStyle, contentStyle, mouseClick){ return; } /** * Add a map decoration in lower right corner of the map window. * This object is as same as the map decoration, only appears in a collapsible window and can be minimized. * @param {string} title Title of the decoration. * @param {int} width The width of map decoration in pixels. * @param {int} height The height of map decoration in pixels. * @param {int} state The Anchor of map decoration. (Default parameter is 4) */ IMapper.prototype.addCollapsibleMapDecoration=function(title, width, height, state) { return; } /** * Remove the map decoration by specifying its id. */ IMapper.prototype.removeMapDecoration=function(decoration) { return; } /** * Get the screen location for the specified ground coordinate. * @param {double} x X coordinate. * @param {double} y Y coordinate. * @returns x and y members. * @type obj */ IMapper.prototype.getScreenLocation=function(x, y) { return; } //getScreenLocation() /** * Print the map being viewed. * * @param {Function} callback The user defined function that is called when the server returns the map image URL. The map image URL is passed as the only parameter to this function. */ IMapper.prototype.print=function() { return; } /** * Initialize map listener. * * @param {string} event Name of the event being listened. * @param {Function} callback The user defined function that is called when a map event is fired. * */ IMapper.prototype.setMapListener=function(event, callback) { return; } /** * Clear map listener from the map. * * @param {string} event Name of the event being listened. (See {@link http://www.locationbox.com.tr/web/demo/eventlistener.jsp EventListener } for the events.) * @param {function} callback The user defined function that is called when a map event is fired. */ IMapper.prototype.clearMapListener=function(event, callback) { return; } /** * Get the coordinates of point clicked on map. * * @returns The map click position. * @type obj */ IMapper.prototype.getMapClickPosition=function() { return; } /** * Initialize the circle tool. * @param {function} getCircle The user defined function that is called when a map event is fired. * @param {function} getDragEvent The user defined function that is called when a map event is fired. * */ IMapper.prototype.setCircleTool=function(getCircle, getDragEvent) { return; } /** * Clear the circle tool. * */ IMapper.prototype.clearCircleTool=function() { return; } /** * Get radius and center coordinates of the circle drawn by the circle tool. * @returns Radius and center coordinates of the circle drawn by the circle tool. * @type obj */ IMapper.prototype.getCircleData=function() { return; } /** * This method returns the ordinates object that specifies a polygon that proximates the circle on the map. * * @returns ordinates obj */ IMapper.prototype.getCirclePolygonOrdinates=function() { return; } /** * Initialize the Rectangle Tool. */ IMapper.prototype.setRectangleTool=function(getRectangle) { return; } /** * Clear the Rectangle Tool. */ IMapper.prototype.clearRectangleTool=function() { return; } /** * Clear the Rectangle Tool. * */ IMapper.prototype.getRectangleOrdinates=function() { return; } /** * Show map defined by a bounding rectangle. * @param {int} minLat The latitude value of upper left corner coordinate of the rectangle. * @param {int} minLon The longitude value of upper left corner coordinate of the rectangle. * @param {int} maxLat The latitude value of lower right corner coordinate of the rectangle. * @param {int} maxLon The longitude value of lower right corner coordinate of the rectangle. */ IMapper.prototype.showMapRectangle=function(minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon) { return; } /** * Get coordinates of the bounding box of the map window. * @returns Maps coordinates of object array. */ IMapper.prototype.getMapRectangle=function() { return; } /** * Get coordinates of the location that mouse points. * @returns Mouse Location (x,y). */ IMapper.prototype.getMouseLocation=function() { return; } /** * Display an info window at specified latitude/longitude. * * @param {number} x The X ordinate in screen pixels. * @param {number} y The Y ordinate in screen pixels. * @returns {object} */ IMapper.prototype.getMapCoordinates=function(x, y) { return; } /** * Initialize marquee zoom tool. */ IMapper.prototype.startMarqueeZoom=function() { return; } /** * Initialize marquee zoom tool. * */ IMapper.prototype.stopMarqueeZoom=function() { return; } /** * Zoom to the area bounded by multiple markers. * * @param {string} list Id list of markers as a single string, separated by comma (,). */ IMapper.prototype.zoomToMarkers=function(list) { return; } // zoomToMarkers_timeout() /** * Add a line specified by array of coordinates. * * @param {string} id Id of the line object. * @param {array} ordinates The set of coordinates. * @param {string} name Name of the line object. * @param {string} sym The name of the style object for line, as in the map database or created by user (@See createColorStyle). * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when the line is clicked. * @param {int} zindex This method sets the z-index (display order) value of the marker group. The group with a larger z-index value is displayed above the group with a smaller z-index value. * @param {object} acStyle Animation color style can create using mapper.createAnimationColorStyle() method */ IMapper.prototype.addLine=function(id, ordinates, name, sym, mouseClick, zindex, acStyle) { return; } /** * This method represents animation style. * * @param {object} colorFirst Begin color style. * @param {object} colorSecond End color style. * @param {int} duration Animation duration. Default value is 5 seconds. * @param {boolean} enableMovingDashLine Enable dash line moving effect. This effect is only for SVG mode. * @returns {object} AnimationColor object. */ IMapper.prototype.createAnimationColorStyle = function(colorFirst , colorSecond , duration , enableMovingDashLine){ } // createAnimationColorStyle() /** * This method represents a glow filter that can be applied to vector layers. * * @param {int} opacity The opacity of the glow. A number between 0 and 1. * @param {string} color The color of the glow. The string format is "#RRGGBB" * @param {int} offset The offset between the casted glow and the object (in pixels). * @param {int} radius Defines how hazy, or how blurry, the drop shadow is. Default value is "2". * @returns {object} Glow object. */ IMapper.prototype.createGrowStyle = function(opacity, color, offset, radius) { } //createGrowStyle() /** * This method represents a shadow filter that can be applied to vector layers. * * @param {int} opacity The opacity of the shadow. A number between 0 and 1. * @param {string} color The color of the shadow. The string format is "#RRGGBB"" * @param {int} offset The offset between the casted shadow and the object (in pixels). * @param {int} radius Defines how hazy, or how blurry, the drop shadow is. Default value is "2". * @returns {object} Drop Shadow object. */ IMapper.prototype.createDropShadowStyle=function(opacity, color, offset, radius) { } //createDropShadowStyle() /** * This method defines a linear color gradient. * A linear color gradient fills an area with a color fill that varies from one color to another. * The color varies along a linear axis and all points along a line perpendicular to the axis have the same color. * The color variation is determined by the color stops. A color stop specifies a position along the axis and the colors * at that position. Color values between color stops are interpolated. * The axis is defined by two points on a unit square (i.e. x and y are between 0 and 1) and hence * can be horizontal, vertical, or at an angle (angular). * The x and y values can range from (0,0) to (1,1), where (0,0) is the top left and (1,1) is the bottom right. * The offset for a color stop is the offset along the axis and is a value between 0 (the start) and 1 (the end). * The gradient is a horizontal gradient if y1 = y2 and x1 <> x2. * The gradient is a vertical gradient if x1 = x2 and y1 <> y2 differ. * The gradient is an angular gradient if x1 <> x2 and y1 <> y2. * The gradient is an angular gradient if x1 <> x2 and y1 <> y2. * @param {array} stops The color stops of the gradient. The color stops are specified by an array of color stop objects Each color stop object has two properties, offset and color, * which specify the stop offset and color respectively. The stop offset is a number between 0 * and 1. It specifies the location of the color stop relative to the start point of the gradient. * 0 indicates the gradient start point and 1 indicates the gradient end point. * The color is specified by rgba values ("#rrggbbaa)". * Example of a stops array: [{offset:0, color:"#ffffffff"}, {offset:1, color:"#ff0000ff"}] * @param {float} x1 The X ordinate of the gradient's start point. Must be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the left border of the gradient coordinate system. * @param {float} y1 The Y ordinate of the gradient's start point. Must be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the top border of the gradient coordinate system. * @param {float} x2 The X ordinate of the gradient's end point. Must be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the left border of the gradient coordinate system. * @param {float} y2 The Y ordinate of the gradient's end point. Must be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the top border of the gradient coordinate system. * @param {string} stroke The stroke color. The string format is "#RRGGBB". * @returns {object} Linear Gradient object. */ IMapper.prototype.createLinearGradient = function(stops, x1, y1, x2, y2, stroke){ } //createLinearGradient() /** * This method defines a radial color gradient. * @param {array} stops The color stops of the gradient. The color stops are specified by an array of color stop objects. Each color stop object has two properties, offset and color, * which specify the stop offset and color respectively. The stop offset is a number between 0 and 1. It specifies the location of the color stop relative to the start point of the gradient. * 0 indicates the gradient start point and 1 indicates the gradient end point. The color is expressed as "#rrggbbaa". * Example of a stops array: [{offset:0, color:"#ffffffff"}, {offset:1, color:"#ff0000ff"}] * @param {float} cy The X offset of the gradient's center point. Must be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the left border of the gradient coordinate system. * @param {float} cx The Y offset of the gradient's center point. Must be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the top border of the gradient coordinate system. * @param {float} radius The radius of the gradient. The radius must be a number between 0 and 1. * @param {string} stroke The stroke color. The string format is "#RRGGBB". * @returns {object} Radial Gradient object. */ IMapper.prototype.createRadialGradient = function(stops, cy, cx, radius, stroke){ } //createRadialGradient() /** * This method create a bar with spesific data and its color. * * @param {string} data Bar data name. * @param {string} color The color of the bar data. The string format is "#RRGGBB". * @returns {object} Bar object. */ IMapper.prototype.createBar = function(data, color){ } //createBar() /** * This method create a pie with spesific data and its color. * * @param {string} data Pie data name. * @param {string} color The color of the bar data. The string format is "#RRGGBB". * @returns {object} Pie Slice object. */ IMapper.prototype.createPieSlice = function(data, color){ } //createPieSlice() /** * This method represents a Pie chart style. * * @param {string} styleName A name for this style instance, e.g. 'salesByRegion'. * @param {array} slices An array.of OM.style.PieSlice. * @param {boolean} enableHighlight If true, highlight a slice on mouse over. The default value is false. * @param {int} startingAngle Angle of the first pie slice center. default value is 0. * @param {string} direction The direction of slices. Value can be "CW" (clockwise) or "CCW" (counter clockwise).Default value is "CCW". * @param {string} lengthUnit The unit of the chart radius. Value can be "pixel" or "kilometer". The default is pixel. * @param {object} radiusPixelRange Specifies the radius range of pie chart by pixel. Used only when length unit is kilometer.The object has two attributes, min and max, both integers with minimum and maximum chart size in pixels. * @returns {object} Piechart object. */ IMapper.prototype.createPieChartStyle = function(name, slices, enableHighlight, startingAngle, direction, radius , lengthUnit, radiusPixelRange){ } //createPieChartStyle() /** * This method represents a bar chart style. Each instance will render the specified attribute values of a feature as a bar chart at that feature's centroid. * * @param {string} styleName A name for this style instance, e.g. 'salesByRegion'. * @param {array} bars An array of OM.style.Bar. Each bar represents an attribute value. * @param {int} width The bar chart width. Default value is 100 (in lengthUnit whose default is pixels). * @param {int} height The bar chart height. Default value is 100 (in lengthUnit whose default is pixels). * @param {string} lengthUnit The unit of the chart size, it must be "pixel" or "kilometer"; the default unit is pixel. * @param {boolean} enableHighlight If true, highlight a slice on mouse over. The default value is false. * @param {object} lengthPixelRange Specifies the length range of bar chart in pixels when the length unit is kilometer. It has two integer attributes: max and min. They control the height and width range for the bar chart. * max {int} Maximum height in pixels. * min {int} Minimum height in pixels. * @returns {object} Barchart object. */ IMapper.prototype.createBarChartStyle = function(name, bars, width, height, lengthUnit, enableHighlight, lengthPixelRange){ } //createBarChartStyle() /** * Add a circle by specifying its center point and radius. </br> * @param {string} id Id of the circle object. * @param {float} latitude The latitude value of center point. * @param {float} longitude The longitude value of center point. * @param {float} radius The radius value of the circle. * @param {string} name The name of the circle object. * @param {string} sym The name of the symbol for circle, as written on the map database. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when the circle is clicked. * @param {int} zindex This method sets the z-index (display order) value of the marker group. The group with a larger z-index value is displayed above the group with a smaller z-index value. */ IMapper.prototype.addCircle=function(id, latitude, longitude, radius, name, sym, mouseClick, zindex) { return; } /** * Add an existing route path to the map. * @param {string} id Id of the route object. * @param {int} pathIds The id of the existing path (See http://www.locationbox.com.tr/web/api_route.jsp). * @param {string} themeName Name of the theme. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when layer is clicked. */ IMapper.prototype.addRoute=function(id, pathIds, themeName, mouseClick) { return; } /** * This method represents the pulse animation style for point feature. * @param {string} stroke The stroke color string as "#RRGGBB". * @param {int} duration The animation duration. Default value is 5 seconds. * @param {int} beginSize Begin marker size in pixels. * @param {int} endSize End marker size in pixels. * @returns {object} Pulse object. */ IMapper.prototype.createPulseAnimation=function(stroke, duration, beginSize, endSize) { } // createPulseAnimation() /** * Remove an existing route path from the map. * * @param {string} id Id of the route object. */ IMapper.prototype.removeRoute=function(id) { return; } /** * Show the visualized traffic data on the map.<br/> * There are 4 grades of traffic density represented by 4 colors:<br/> * Light Green: Little or no traffic density. No delay.<br/> * Dark Green: Increasing traffic density. Slight delay.<br/> * Orange: Increased traffic density.<br/> * Red: Traffic jam.<br/> * @param {int} zindex This method sets the z-index (display order) value of the marker group. The group with a larger z-index value is displayed above the group with a smaller z-index value. * @param {string} mapDiv The div to set the map. If it is null or not specified then it is set as "map". */ IMapper.prototype.showTrafficView=function(zindex, mapdiv) { } /** * Hide the visualized traffic data on the map. * */ IMapper.prototype.hideTrafficView=function() { return; } /** * Add the visualized traffic data on the map. * @param {array} tmcKodList The array of TMC code list. * */ IMapper.prototype.addTrafficTmc=function(tmcKodList) { return; } /** * Remove Traffic TMC from the map */ IMapper.prototype.removeTrafficTmc=function() { return; } /** * Add the traffic event data on the map. * */ IMapper.prototype.addTrafficEvents=function() { return; } /** * Remove the traffic event data from the map. * */ IMapper.prototype.removeTrafficEvents=function() { return; } /** * Add social events to the map. */ IMapper.prototype.addSocialEvents=function() { return; } /** * Remove social events from the map. */ IMapper.prototype.removeSocialEvents=function() { return; } /** * Add Earthquakes to the map. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when layer is clicked. */ IMapper.prototype.addEarthquakes=function(mouseClick) { return; } /** * Remove Earthquakes to the map. */ IMapper.prototype.removeEarthquakes=function() { return; } /** * Add pharmacy on duty layer to the map. */ IMapper.prototype.addPharmacyOnDuty=function() { return; } /** * Remove pharmacy on duty layer from the map. */ IMapper.prototype.removePharmacyOnDuty=function() { return; } /** * Add image layer to map. */ IMapper.prototype.addImageLayer=function() { return; } /** * Remove image layer from map. */ IMapper.prototype.removeImageLayer=function() { return; } /** * Add weather report layer to the map. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when layer is clicked. */ IMapper.prototype.addWeatherReport=function(mouseClick) { return; } /** * Remove weather report layer from the map. */ IMapper.prototype.removeWeatherReport=function() { return; } /** * Add poi list to the map. * @param {string} id The id of POI list. * @param {array} poiList The list of POIs. * @param {function} mouseClick The user defined function that is called when layer is clicked. */ IMapper.prototype.addPoiList=function(id, poiList, mouseClick) { return; } /** * Remove poi list from the map. * @param {string} id The id of POI list. */ IMapper.prototype.removePoiList=function(id) { return; } /** * Add yol list to the map. * @param {string} id Id of YolList. * @param {array} yolList YolID list. */ IMapper.prototype.addYolList=function(id, yolList) { return; } /** * Remove yol list to the map. * @param {string} id Id of YolList. */ IMapper.prototype.removeYolList=function(id) { return; } /** * Get the location of user. * @param {function} callback Callback function. */ IMapper.prototype.getGeolocation=function(callback) { return; } // tmcStopAnimation() /** * Zooms to a layer. * @param {string} id Name of layer theme. */ IMapper.prototype.zoomToLayer=function(id) { return; } /** * Parse xml data to convert into json format. * * @returns Json object. * @type obj */ IMapper.prototype.xml2json=function(xmlData) { return; } /** * Set zoom level. * * @param {int} mapZoom Zoom level. Takes an integer value from 1 to 8. */ IMapper.prototype.zoomLevel=function(mapZoom) { return; } /** * Get zoom level. * * @returns (int) Zoom level. */ IMapper.prototype.getZoomLevel=function() { return; } /** * Get center latitude. * * @returns (double) Y point. */ IMapper.prototype.getCenterLat=function() { return; } /** * Get center longitude. * * @returns (double) X point. */ IMapper.prototype.getCenterLon=function() { return; } /** * Pan (move) the map by the specified X and Y offset. * * @param {number} offX The X offset in screen pixels. * @param {number} offY The Y offset in screen pixels. */ IMapper.prototype.pan=function(offX, offY) { } // pan() /** * Get maximum zoom level. * * @returns (int) Max zoom level. */ IMapper.prototype.getMaxZoomLevel=function() { return; }